Describing the model and structure of the e-learning course

  1. The emancipative approach to coaching can be enhanced, applying cognitive therapeutical ideas. The idea is to emancipate the coachee from a negative thought pattern, challenging the underlying schemata that are holding back a positive and balanced view on oneself, others and the surrounding in general
  2. The empathic approach creates a trustworthy space for reflections on emotional states of mind in order for the coachee to find an acceptance about circumstances. It is also a matter of changing the emotional state of mind by applying some intervening exercises and ways of being
  3. The imaginative approach is applicable when you want to change the sensational experience of a problem and thereby motivates the other through spacious questions to make the change happen  
  4. The transformative approach is valuable when the coachee needs a fundamental change in life. By the transformative approach you provide the individual with a reflection process about the persons integrity and values in life. You make the person realize how important honesty and self-reflections can be.
  5. The key learning from module 5 has been to understand the very essens of happiness and to inspire for a ’normative’ approach if happiness is important for the individual.

In all, those learnings support an ambitious coaching strategy that will enable you to help your coachee’s in the best way